Sunday 18 May 2008

My Enticing Chaperon

Your burning kiss
Runs shivers within me;
Only to know you're there
I sense a glorious time ahead.

Not even the lights
Try to partake,
The marvellous relation
That we share.

Addicted, I'm to this air
I don't want to share,
The clandestine bondage that we have
Incinerate apart slowly!

Thirst that I'll keep
The ambiguous visions before me
Time to bid you adieu---
Oh! The butt of my joint!!

----- after a smoke in my room so dark and nobody to disturb....

Saturday 3 May 2008

The Call : An ode to Grass II

Stranger in a strange town,
Everybody's looking down;
Where is he going?
What is he doing?

Thousand eyes staring at him
Watching his impeccable actions;
Has anybody seen him before?
Does anybody know his door?

Nobody to walk by his side,
Nobody to hold him up;
Faltering in the concrete road,
Only to be helped by the pebbles!

There she stood in the crowd
With eyes full of compassion,
There she walked towards him
With a heart full of affection.

Her smile alluring him to go on,
Her eyes radiating the energy for him to move,
Her lips moving ... to say something---
"Nobody's alive here... JUST YOU!!"

Paranoa : An ode to Grass I

Strumming in silence

In these shores of tranquility;

Walking in circles

In this road to eternity.


Without wings

In search of

My silhoutte dreams.

Running away from the toxicity,

Over shards of sand,

The scream

Resounding in the vacuum.

Faint light

I receive from the morning moon,

In this thirst-filled desert

To guide me home!